The World Was Wrong, The Models Were Right (TN01)
Good Morning!
This may be my first real newsletter. Previously, I blasted out full-length articles via email. That’s changing. You’ll now be getting a short and sweet summary of whatever is on my mind.
Disruptive Innovation (ARK)
I spent a lot of time in the past two weeks thinking about investing in disruption initially because my Instagram subscribers requested my take on ARK Invest and Cathie Wood. But mostly because I was curious as to why I never found the fund attractive. As a technologist, I wondered if I was truly missing out on a field in which I may have an edge. As it turns out, however, technological revolutions are great for the world. Investing in them, however, isn’t always as profitable.

Quant Trading Failed In 2020
Models are incredible as long as the world remains unchanged. Too bad we only need our investments during uncertain times.

So You Bought A Stock. Was It Your Decision?
Social media is changing investing as we know it — a short Twitter thread on why it is good news depending on how you invest.
Bots are having a meaningful impact on the stocks retail investors buy and sell.
— Tolu Salako (@tolusnotes) February 26, 2021